Monday, March 31, 2008

New vs Old School.

Well, tomorrow I will site visit at a new school for JB. We are currently debating whether or not to put her in a different school next year. She is currently at a Charter School, which teaches an advanced curriculum. Here's the situation:
When she began kindergarten students had to be born on or before August 31 to enroll. Her birthdate is August 31. School began that year on August 24. So she began kindergarten 7 days shy of her 5th birthday. Had she been 17 hours older, she would have had to wait another year to begin schooling, and would now be in 2nd grade. Then I enrolled her in the Charter School which teaches an advanced curriculum. So now she is a "biological" second grader in what is technically a fourth grade classroom, and we are seeing difficulties. Weird I know. :-) The question arises as to how well she would do in a more age appropriate classroom, to close the gap so to speak. So that leads me to site visit the neighborhood school, where next year she would still be in 4th grade (so not held back a year) but would basically be repeating the curriculum requirements of this year (so held back a year). Confused yet? Plus the neighborhood school has a part time reading specialist whom we would have access too, and is not available at the Charter School. Yet JB actually does really well academically at the Charter School and currently earns straight A's with a B in spelling (reduced word list and some other accomidations are in place, not to mention the grueling ordeal of 2 hours + homework per night). We LOVE the family atmosphere of the Charter School and she has a lot of friends there, but we can't help but wonder if all of these accomidations will become unnecessary at an easier school. We also wonder why the Charter School hasn't hired a reading specialist of their own. When I asked the Principal about it she said she could maybe hire a teacher with reading certifications, but the idea of a dedicated reading specialist hadn't even crossed her mind. I'll see how tomorrow goes.

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