Monday, January 12, 2009

365 Project 2009

I was reading my sister's blog, when she mentioned a friend that had suggested a scrapbook 365 for 2009. I have heard of 365 challenges in the photography world. For example, the 365 portrait group that runs on flickr every year. The goal there is to take a self portrait every single day for a year. But sister's friends' suggestion (As I understood it) was to take a photo per day of your daily life, and "scrapbook" it in some way. I of course started late, but came up with the above image for the 1st through the 11th. My next week will start today (Monday 12) and I will have my weeks go from Monday to Monday. I will try to post the weekly compilation every Sunday afternoon. This should be interesting.

1 comment:

ashes said...

You're both overachievers... whatever shall I do with you. I think I'll try it from July 1, 2010 to June 30, thirtieth year of fabulousness. That gives me a year and a half to catch up with everything else. i better get crackin'...