Monday, May 4, 2009

Teacher Appreciation Week

This is the beautiful, talented, and SINGLE, Miss Wall. She is the third grade teacher that I have had the honor of working with/for at the Charter School. When I taught third grade she helped me out every day, and then I had the honor of being her Aide for another 2 years. Now I still get to see her often as I substitute around the school. She is a delight and I am pleased to call her my friend. I mean really, how many other people do you know who can pull off a paper hat/bowtie ensemble with such grace? Miss Wall is ...
As cool as Miss Wall is, I have to admit that my FAVORITE teacher of all time was my third grade teacher. He taught me to read when I was only 4, and helped me develop my love of science. I remember looking at ants through magnifying glasses, and collecting leaves to press so we could study them. He taught me to make a solar cooker, the constellations, and the names of all sorts of different birds. Interestingly enough, he also taught me to drive and change a tire. Way to go DAD! You're the best!
Who was your favorite teacher?

1 comment:

The SHEFFER clan said...

Hands down my favorite teacher was Mrs. Jones.... also MY third grade teacher. She was fun, creative, and I felt like she challenged me and understood me. Plus for prizes for things she gave BOOKS instead of candy. I loved that! She is the one that gave me the nickname MM (Motor Mouth)!!! I also liked Mr Wentworth in Jr High as he gave me so many responsibilities and chances with the school paper. And I liked Mr Hren in HIgh School which is funny cuz now he is part of the family. YEAH FOR GOOD TEACHERS!!!!!!!!!