Friday, April 23, 2010

Farewell, friend...

Farewell my friend. When I get over being so pissed that you're gone, and that now he's gone too, and how my little family has been shaken to it's core, shredded by demons, and more, so much more.... after I get over all that....then I'll be thankful for the times we had. I'll be grateful for BBQ's and trick-or-treats and swimming at the lake. I'll be glad for your fuzzy mullet, and just one more diet coke. I'll be glad for how many times your toe hurt. Even now, through my rage and saddness, I will always be forever grateful for you trusting me for so many years with the little bit of you that lives on. I promise I won't give up. Love will find a way. Farewell friend, you will be missed.

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