Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Ok, I know that on "Wordless Wednesday" the point is to not have to spend any words describing the image, but this photo, I believe, warrants a bit of an explanation. In short I LOVE this image! I have been looking for over a year for an image that would capture my attention enough to replace a painting on the living room wall of the cabin. The painting is of horses running, and while I like horses, I don't care much for the painting, and have wanted to replace it since we bought the place. Anyway, every craft fair we go to, I search through the vendor stalls, seeking out that perfect image to put on the wall, and in this image, I think I may have found it.
Where, you ask?
The long story is that Ron and Kathy went with us to Hawaii, and they took some pictures on their camera. Normally all these photos stay ON the camera because they don't tend to do much with digital images. They used to go get their film developed and come home with a handful of prints, but they just have a hard time with taking in their digi card and doing the same thing. Usually I make a photo book for them, and normally just use my pictures because like I said, they don't do much with theirs... Anyway, I finally shamed Kathy into taking her digi card to Walmart and having them burn all of the files onto a disc, so she could then send me the disc, and I could use some of their photos from Hawaii in the photo book. I received the disc in the mail and it has all sorts of pictures on it. Photos of Hailey as an infant (she is almost 3) Photos from past vacations, all sorts of crazy things, including this image taken by Ron in Yellowstone. Gasp! To me it was like finding a needle in a haystack. Poof. There it is! The image has not been doctored or edited in any way whatsoever. The image file states this was taken March 13, 2011 at 8:53 p.m..... which makes me wonder about the date stamp being accurate, because this seems like an early morning mist to me, but that is beside the point. The point is, that yet again, I wonder about the way I process and use the images I take. Had I not shamed Kathy into giving me a disc of her images, this little ditty may have been lost forever, never to be seen by human eyes again. Which I think is a crying shame, because I think it is beautiful. So beautiful, that I'm going to put it on the wall.

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