Monday, October 1, 2012


Here we go again. Bill left for Georgia last night, so I won't see him again until October 11. That's only 10 days. I can totally do this. Even though I don't feel like doing anything else. I don't want to sleep  don"t want to be awake. Don't want to exercise, don't want to get fat. Luckily I don't want to eat either. Don't even want to knit......This morning's conversation with JB
Me: I can't want to go to yoga.
JB: You have to go. You make me go to school.
Me: I don't make you go to school, the government does. It's Obama's fault you have to go to school. Take it up with him.
JB: Right. Like that would happen.
Like I said, I can do this. It's only 2 weeks per month, for the next S.E.V.E.N. years.

1 comment:

The SHEFFER clan said...

We blame Michelle Obama for our terrible school lunches that we can't even doctor up with ketchup and ranch dressing.... E2 said she would rather be fat than eat what's being served. HA