Monday, February 8, 2010

The "tumor" is ....Gone!

Rosie posie had a follow up visit with Vet2 today. Urine sample shows 0 transitional cells. The vet jokingly said "Looks like the tumor is gone" hee hee. Of course it's gone, since it was NEVER there to begin with. I am still debating writing a letter to Vet1, and I do still owe her money. While I do want to pay for services because I believe work should be compensated, I also believe work should be quality, and a missed diagnosis like this one....well, I  think it was a shoddy job.  Any thoughts?

1 comment:

McDougald Family said...

A letter with half the money and promise that she'll get the other half when you get a heart-felt apology. Mafia style.