Monday, February 13, 2012

Special Friend Day

Thursday I was invited to attend Kindergarten with Taz for "Special Friend Day".  When I arrived, he helped me find a chair and had me sit next to him at his table. He had drawn me a special picture, and I was so excited to be there.

After the rest of the special friends arrived, the class entertained us with a rousing concert. My favorite song was this one:
Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink

Skinnamarink e-doo
I love you.

Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink
Skinnamarink e-doo
I love you.

I love you in the morning
and in the afternoon.
I love you in the evening
underneath the moon.

Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink
Skinnamarink e-doo
I love you.

I love you in the morning
and in the afternoon.
I love you in the evening
underneath the moon.

Oh, Skinnamarink e-dink e-dink
Skinnamarink e-doo
I love you.
I do.

After the song, we worked on drawing a picture together. I drew Taz with a cast on his arm. He acquired it via a mishap involving a bed and one of his brothers "accidentally" pushing him off of it...., and broke it in three places, but that is not the story we are telling here.  The first drawing is the one he made special just for me. It says I (heart)  U Rej. I love it! 

After our drawing was complete, we worked together to decorate paper sacks that will be given to Lee's Market Place. The sacks will then be used at the grocery store to wish their customers a Happy Valentine's Day. We cut out hearts and glued them on, then colored some hearts on as well.

Then we had a yummy cookie and some delicious sprite.

Thanks Taz for inviting me to be your special friend. I loved it! 
p.s. If you would like to see the rest of the photos from our special day, click here: SPECIAL FRIEND DAY

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