Friday, March 19, 2010

Facts for Friday

I wish you could know that NOW is what matters, and not worry so much about when you are all grown up. True you hate my rules, my cooking, and my singing at you in front of your friends. You can't wait until you can be on your own and eat icecream for breakfast whenever you want. I guess that's all part of growing up. Not for you, but for me. I have to come to grips with the reality that you are not babies anymore and yes, you are looking, searching even, everyday for the paths that will take you away from me. Those paths are coming quickly. The roads that will lead you to college, raise families, be your own people are just around the next bend. Forgive me for wanting to picnic here just a little longer.

1 comment:

The Old Man said...

How true are the words you have written.