Friday, July 9, 2010

Harry Potter Camp Week 4

A view of Hogwarts, starring Rosie the Magical Fatdog

Monday: 4th of July Holiday, so no school, but had lunch with friends Gwyn, Stacy, and Kathy instead. Played all afternoon on the slip-n-slide.
Tuesday: Discussed the properties of Wolfsbane and how plants are commonly used in various medications and other type of "potions."
Wednesday: Professor Snape..known in the muggle world as USU Chemistry  Instructor Professor Harris came to show the class a lot of fun science and chemistry esperiments. The favorite was dipping a banana in liquid nitrogen and shattering it into a bunch of  little pieces. (Yeah, it was awesome!)
Thursday: Slytherin found the sword horcrux under the bridge in the middle of the stream...had to go barefoot and almost fell in the water! Only one week left. So SAD, because this is "the funnest summer thing I've ever done in my whole life. It's soooooo awesome!"

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