Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Well the surgery went well. Vet2 only used the minimal amount of anesthetic and Fatdog woke up quickly and was very responsive. This is what they found:

Really that is only half of what they found. The other half they sent to the lab. So really this is what they found:

Question: How in theeeeee hell did Vet1 miss it? I am so glad that Clint told me to get a second opinion, or I would be thinking it was a tumor, and Fatdog would STILL be trying to pee around these boulders. Had Vet1 diagnosed properly, she could have had the surgery last week! AAAARGH!

Thank you all for the notes and prayers. Fatdog is recovering well, I got her home at 6:00 p.m and she had to pee every 10 minutes. They told me not to give her a pain pill until she ate something because she might puke. So I didn't. But she refused to eat. FATDOG refused to eat. (Shocking I know, this is the dog who tries to eat orange peels because she thinks she's starving, and now the one time in her whole life I WANT her to eat and she won't. Go figure. ) She cried, and whined, and had to pee every ten minutes, would pace, flop, pee, pace, flop, pee...Finally at 8:00 I gave her a pain pill anyway. I figured if she puked it would at least alter the pace, flop, pee routine. Finally about 9:00 she flopped, then started to snore. (BEST sound ever!) She slept until 9:30, and we started the routine again, but this time in half hour increments. Slowly through out the night she began resting more and peeing less. Finally ate some food around 2:30 am and began drinking water around 6:00 am. She never did puke. So that's it for now. I'm going to go try and rest when she does (Sounds like a new baby huh). Now I have to decide if I want to write a letter of complaint to Vet1. Do I still pay the 100+ bucks due for the labwork on the urine culture? (they are looking for a tumor) I mean they are doing the work so they should get paid, but had Vet1 made a proper diagnosis we probably wouldn't have needed to send the stuff off to begin with.... Anyway, I do know I am too tired to make a decision right now. Oh, and by the way, I'm supposed to go to CA on Friday. Pretty weird sensation for me because for the first time ever, I have an anuual pass, but I don't really want to go to Disneyland.


Lady Taylor said...

We have been in St George and are sorry to hear about Rosie! Hope she is doing better now. You make a good mother to her!!

The SHEFFER clan said...

Glad to hear the good news!

I can't believe the size of those boulders...... that is crazy.