Saturday, May 25, 2013

Aggie Stampede

Remember when Ashes visited the 76 of 79 Durham cows? 

Well, here in Logan, we don't have cows. No. We have BULLS. Aggie Bulls. And instead of 76, we only have 6. So, when one of my Daisy girl scouts asked what those statues on Main street were all about, well, I saw it as a great opportunity to investigate. My first stop was the Chamber of Commerce. Since one of the bulls is located right in front of their door, I felt it would be a logical place to start. I truly expected to walk in, inquire about the bulls, and to be handed a nifty little brochure complete with artist information and visionary notes as to why each bull looks the way it does, etc. But what I received was a confused stare from the lady behind the desk, who finally gathered her wits enough to fetch a man from a back room, who was able to stammer that he had no idea what each bull represented, and that I should contact those folks at the C.P.D. 

The C.P.D. or the Center for Person's with Disabilities, is an organization on USU campus that specializes in assistive technologies for Persons with Disabilities. You can imagine my confusion. What on earth does the CPD have to do with the bulls on Logan Main street? Determined to find out, I shot the C.P.D. an email, and it was answered by Shane, who invited me up to the campus facility and gave me wonderful tour, and told me a little bit about the bulls. It turns out that 2012 was the 40th anniversary year of the C.P.D. and they worked with local businesses to sponsor the Aggie Stampede. You can read all about it : HERE

So, now armed with a little bit more information, the girls and I headed out to investigate the Aggie Stampede. The C.P.D. even sent their blogger along with us to create a post on their website. I created my own version of the walking tour map brochure that I had envisioned I would receive at the Chamber of Commerce, and as we approached each bull, a girl would read about it, and then we would discuss the images we saw and what we thought they meant. These are the 5 bulls we saw. The 6th one, "Little Marv" lives near the front entrance of the C.P.D. and only gets out to county fairs and festivals, so we didn't see him. 

Square One Printing AggieStampede Bull Image

Cache Valley Electric AggieStampede Bull Image

We sure had a great time!

You can read all about it in the article published on the CPD Blog: HERE

1 comment:

ashes said...

LOVE!!!!!!!!!! The Evil Knievel one is awesome!