Thursday, May 23, 2013

Not Today

Today, I am not where I am supposed to be. Instead, I am somewhere else, ducking out on the whole "adult responsibilities" thing, and pretending I am not at home, when in reality, I am, though I shouldn't be. I feel a tiny bit guilty for this. But not really. So here I sit, in my deception, looking at photos on the internet.
 I am looking at photos like this one:

and this

and I am feeling all sorts of artsy emotions that make me want to go outside and take artsy photographs, and post them on the internet so other people can look at them and say, "Wow, that's so artsy!"

But I won't.

Not today.

1 comment:

Lady Taylor said...

My sewing room is my escape. Some days we just need to hide from the world.