Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ash Pancakes

Today is Pancake Tuesday, (read about past Pancake Tuesdays here)  and we are sad because JB and Bill are both sick with colds so we will not be attending the Pancake Supper at the church tonight. FROWNIE FACE!

I am not sure I even have the energy to try and make pancakes of ANY sort tonight.  Everyone in the entire house is just kind of running on fumes, we are all out of energy and just want to go to bed.

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, (read about past Ash Wednesdays here) and Lent is usually a time for letting old bad habits go, and trying to pick up some new good ones. I guess I think I must be just perfect in every way because this year I have NO idea of what I want to let go. Sure I could do the old standbys of no sugar, chocolate, Sims, or Facebook, but I'm not that committed to any of those things. If I truly had a choice of what to let go, I would let go of the flu virus, I would let go of grey weather with no sunshine, and I would let go of constantly feeling exhausted and strained to the breaking point. I would take on sunshine, and warmth, and energy, and giving a damn.

How about you? What is your Lenten project?

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