Monday, March 18, 2013

Lenten Reflection: March 17

Luke 22:19-20

King James Version (KJV)
19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.
20 Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

My Reflection: I hear these words almost every Sunday, during communion, and most of the time, they are background noise to the thoughts in my head. Important thoughts about what to plan for girl scouts next week, or did I remember to ask Bill to feed the dog, or Oh, yeah, I need to talk to  so and so about whatever... but when I actually sit and THINK about these words, it hits home a little bit more for me. I know we hear these words as part of the holy sacrament, and they celebrate Christ as he prepares to die and be resurrected... I get it. But I also have to think of these words from a purely human point of view. Jesus knew he was headed for death, and wanted to have just one more meal with his friends. Just one more glass of wine with his mates, before he heads out to what he knows will be his last earthly adventure. Often, the dinner table is a great place to rehash the events of the day and share stories and memories  Especially when you are with people you haven't seen for awhile, or may not see for a while. I think of our big family reunions. We each get a plate piled high with food, and take a seat and chat about the good times. We share photos, and stories of our memories and share our goals for what we hope to do in our future. But, what would we say if we KNEW that this was our last family reunion? What if we KNEW that this was it? We KNEW we weren't coming back again? I can imagine that I too, would want to be remembered at these family gatherings, and say "Hey, the next time you get together, do me a favor and don't forget about me. When you eat together, next time, tell that story about that one time when I stuck my tongue to the railing. The next time you watch a parade, don't forget to tell the story about when Dad sent Sister S and me on a wild goose chase all over town looking for the parade that never existed. I may have only been with you for a short while, and even though I am no longer with you, please, just don't forget about me."

1 comment:

ashes said...

I love that story of you and S finding the parade!!!!!!!!! But you are so right.... and I can't wait to share a meal with you sister! Love and miss you so much!